sunset sky broken


Broken is a dance track leaning heavily into synthpop and infused with -gasp!- deep sincerity. It’s moody, introspective and has its own vibe. I hope you enjoy. Released on Spotify May 12, 2023



Sunset Sky – Broken

Broken took a long time. It reflects everything learned this far about mixing and some experimentation. Getting drums under control is one of the more challenging aspects of mixing and although it’s not 100 percent perfect, the dynamic pump you need in a dance track is present. I was listening to Eric Prydz and could not understand how he made his kick and snare sound like they were in love with each other. And realized even though the kick is on all four beats, it would give way to the snare, so tried a few things. Mr. Prydz still has some secrets up his sleeve but I strongly recommend you listen to him -or Deadmau5 for that matter- when it comes to drum compression, side chain, eq and all that.

More on Production

The other tool I played with was the Enveloper on snare. It can give more punch, attack or timed reverb to help mesh it with the kick. So I try not to complicate things too much with all the available tools, but it seemed to help where the basic eq and compression couldn’t. Or, at least where my skill is at the moment!

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy. It’s a heartfelt song and the sincerity is real. We are all a little broken and you know – that’s ok.

For those of you who would enjoy a deeper dive:

“Broken” is an introspective song that reflects on the struggles and challenges faced in life. The lyrics paint a picture of hardship and is now contemplating the aftermath of choices. The song explores themes of self-reflection, acceptance, and the unpredictable nature of existence.

Intro and First Verse

The opening lines capture reflection and contemplation, looking back on life and the wreckage left behind. There’s a realization that you can adapt and do whatever it takes to navigate through difficult circumstances.


The chorus emphasizes the contrasting nature of life, acknowledging that some things are destined to break and cannot be repaired. Suggesting that certain experiences or emotions are not meant to be openly expressed, implying hidden pain or vulnerability.

Second Verse

The verses continue to delve into the existential questions to grapple with. They express uncertainty about their purpose and struggle to understand why certain things happen. The lyrics convey a sense of frustration, as they acknowledge that rhyme or reason cannot always provide answers for the brokenness encountered.

The song also touches upon the indifference of the universe and the passage of time. It hints at the dichotomy between those who let go of their pain and those who feel trapped by it, symbolized by being held by the throat.


The bridge serves as a turning point in the song, revealing a newfound awakening and acceptance. Acknowledging that the answers lie within the sunset skies, representing the beauty and inevitability of life’s cycles. It’s a realization that hiding from one’s truth is no longer necessary now that that one is awake and aware.


“Broken” is a soulful track that delves into the complexities of life, brokenness, and personal growth. It explores the universal themes of accepting the unchangeable and finding strength in self-discovery.

Broken – Lyrics

Looking at the life i’ve had

the wreckage in its wake

maybe i’m thinking overtime

learned to do what it takes

i don’t know exactly why i’m here

don’t know why i choke

rhyme or reason won’t answer why

some things just get broke

some things are meant to be broken

and some things aren’t meant to be spoken

the universe is indifferent

only time will tell

why some decide to let it go

while others get held by the throat

some things are meant to be broken

and some things aren’t meant to be spoken

and some things are just broken

the answer’s in these sunset skies

there’s never an escape

but i no longer need to hide

now that i’m awake

Like this? Also listen to Island and Human Touch