
Hold Me

Hold Me is an electronic track inspired by a recent series. Won’t say which one, but the sound is very much in line with the mood it evoked but with an additional twist of upbeat honesty.



Sunset Sky

Hold Me was difficult. Didn’t know where to take it or where it was going and then BAM! it happened. A few tracks of additional and very subtle percussion moved it along, and allowed the chorus to soar. I didn’t think this one would make it out of the gate, but here we are. For producers, side chain and vocal compression is a bit loose so be kind.

I really hope you enjoy.

Hold Me Lyrics

can you hold me

don’t belong here

felt this way my whole life

i only want to

feel connection

is there still any time

i’ve found a place that

we can lie down

we can call it our own

just want to be still

as you hold me

don’t want to be on my own

restful moment

in the shade tree

watching the skies above

hold me tightly 

as i leave here

never stop being in love

can you see it now

the clouds have no rain

watch the birds in flight

i finally feel no pain

can you hold me

don’t belong here

felt this way my whole life

see so clearly now

can you see the light

the sparrow on the ground

as we say goodbye

can you see it now

the clouds have no rain

watch the birds in flight

i finally feel no pain

can you see it now

the clouds have no rain

we’ll watch the birds in flight

i finally feel no pain

Also listen to The Bet and Midnight Calls


The Bet

The Bet is an indie dance track that leans a little more on the darker side and clocks in at an economical 2:47. Let’s get to it!



The Bet – Sunset Sky

The Bet came together quick, with minimal production. For the producers out there, you will hear sidechain compression being used for the first time to distinguish the plucks, bass and kick. Overall, there didn’t need to be much added to it. With less going on, the simplicity feels cleaner than some other productions.

I hope you enjoy!

The Bet Lyrics

i meant to tell you

don’t mind it alone

what cards am i holding

as you look at your phone

now you say you’re calling

did you check out my tell

want to know if i’m folding

have you put down your bet

all i wanted 

all i needed

was to light a fire

this round is tiring

dealer called your name

want to raise the stakes again

but your hand has been played

all i wanted 

all i needed

was to light a fire

all i needed

all i wanted 

was tangled in my desire

thought i wanted 

thought i needed

promises from a liar

Also listen to Cold Outside and Midnight Calls


Cold Outside

Cold Outside is an indie dance track that will stick with you long after the last note fades away.



Cold Outside – Sunset Sky on Soundcloud

Cold Outside: You’ll like this one! If you don’t, you are a heartless slug. jk I do hope you like it. I enjoyed creating it and it represents the continued shift away from synth-only sounds to using more organic guitar and bass. Do not fear synth pop fans – there is still plenty of synth work and drum machines to keep you in the groove. This new direction enhances the sound and makes it more powerful.

The verse and chorus are going to stick with you. That was the intention. My hope is you hear not only the melody but also the lyrics which reach out to the need for connection in an increasingly lonely world. When that happens, though, it can be beautiful. Right?

Enjoy the latest track by Sunset Sky.

Cold Outside Lyrics

it’s so cold outside

looks so warm in here

o my god you’ve come alive

i don’t know you

but now i’d like to

searching for a fire

what have you heard now

well can you tell me

maybe we could just lie

take a moment

look in your eyes

where i can see the sky

won’t you let me in

it’s so cold outside

your heart is like a fire

so let’s stay warm tonight

holding your hand

leading a way

further into the night

put your worries down

rest your weary head

don’t want to see morning light

the stars above shine bright

reflecting in your eyes

and i can feel your smile

and that means everything tonight

watching falling stars

streak across the sky

the universe is ours

we’re wandering satellites

won’t you let me in

it’s so cold outside

your heart is like a fire

so let’s stay warm tonight

You mean everything tonight

Also listen to Midnight Calls and Human Touch


Midnight Calls

Midnight Calls is a lovely track that has a haunting blend of melody and driving beat. It is strongly suggested you include it in your sonic explorations! (:



Midnight Calls by Sunset Sky

Midnight calls is a track near and dear to my soul. The vision, the bass, all of it came together surprisingly well. I even resisted overdoing the drums, instead opting for a more low-key early ’80s new wave driving beat.

If you ever have experienced a dream that wove memories and new interactions, with something familiar, yet strange and mysterious, this is the song for you. I hope you enjoy.

Midnight Calls Lyrics

had a dream i went outside

you were waiting in the haze

driving through a lonely night

tracing raindrops on the pane

reminiscent of my old town

where the hills and bridges collide

passing by the darkened beach

but don’t know where we’ll be tonight

when you receive a midnight call

streetlights are flashing off and on

bouncing off the city’s fog

setting fire to the siren’s song

guided to our destination

as the voices fall ashore

waking stars at 2am

where i know we met before

how do i get home again

before it fades to gray

i know it’s been, a little while

can you help me find my way

playing back the scenes again 

and it’s killing me today

how do i get home again

as the city fades to gray

i know it’s been, a little while

can you help me find my way

i need to burn those memories

i can’t go back in time

even as you fade away

know that you were never mine

You were never mine

Like it? Listen to Human Touch and Truth


Human Touch

Human Touch is the first track to embrace a new sound and mixing style. Guitars supply a strong background foundation that supports a chorus you can enjoy rocking out to.


3/19 Update – this was remixed and remastered. Sounds much better now. Will appear on Spotify as “Human Touch – Remastered”


Human Touch by Sunset Sky

Human Touch was a difficult one to put together. I hadn’t been taking mixing as seriously as I should, and this was one that forced me to rethink levels and how instrument busses and a submix should be used.

The bass pumps in waves and pretty much overpowered all the other instruments when it kicked in, pushing the compression into overdrive and making the mix feel overloaded and a bit squashed. Putting a directional mixer on the bass and reeling it in a bit, I was able to still keep the driving strength of the low tones without it bleeding all over the place. The guitars are a new sound I’m working with which seems to really accentuate the chorus well. Another upcoming song called “Midnight Calls” expands upon that power.

Again, I hope you enjoy and thank you for visiting and listening!

Human Touch Lyrics

i’m afraid

to go outside

not because of the rain

and giving in

to the elements

soaking in the pain

don’t want to explore


not for me to decide

maybe we’ll close our eyes 

a while 

under the sunset sky

don’t want to see the other side

but want to be with you

want to feel the human touch

want to feel this life

think we’re going 

to be ok

angels are nearby

don’t want to see the other side

but want to be with you

want to feel the human touch

want to feel this life

don’t need to see the other side

but need to be with you

don’t need to understand this life

except the human touch is you


I want to feel the human touch

I want to feel this life

Also listen to Truth and Drowning



Truth is a new dance pop song for your listening and other activities pleasure. Turn it up. The chorus slaps.



Sunset Sky – Truth

Truth was fun and painful to make. Critical thinking is important to me and yet, so many choose to believe the narrative that works best for them. I don’t understand that. You are allowed to change your mind. You are allowed to listen to others. Disagreement is absolutely part of the deal. But to just believe what you like to hear versus thinking about it, well, it gets tiring.

I know I can be wrong. I wish the same for others.

Enjoy and seriously, the chorus is catchy as hell. Maybe you need to play it for someone in your life.

Truth lyrics

lyrics are for the chorus only – the transcript for the entire dialogue would go for paragraphs

I know it’s hard to swallow

but you might not be right

please understand its not about you

just a small insight

I know it’s hard to swallow

but you might not be right

please understand its not about you

just a small insight

i hope your world view

allows for a second thought

and standing in others shoes

because you might be wrong

not trying to be a hero 

but you might not be right

it might not be all about you

just another side

i hope another story

allows for a little pause

standing in others’ shoes

hope you heard this song

Listen to Drowning and Thank You



Drowning is about as close to emo as Sunset Sky has ever been. If you are in a bad place right now, please do not listen.



Drowning – Sunset Sky

Drowning sat in limbo for quite a while. Didn’t know what to do with it. When lyrics came, i just couldn’t finish it. It felt dark. Real, but dark.

It’s an interesting place to be as someone who doesn’t make music for a living. Artists are expected to share emotions as raw as possible. Many do not have to consider how work acquaintances might view it. I’m constantly torn between my professional life and creating music. What can I say. I think about it and really wish I didn’t.

I’v had instances where folks assumed I was writing about them specifically. That’s never the case. Although artists all know we base our art on observations, it’s usually a composite of a lot of different feelings, events, visuals, etc., not just one thing. If that makes sense, great. You are an artist.

I hope you enjoy Drowning. I had a hard time making it, and again, if you are having a hard time right now, best to leave it alone.

Drowning Lyrics

edging towards the water

step by step begin to see

undercurrent always beckoning

does it never seem to leave

bleak secrets of night whisper

fill your pockets full of sand

as you feel cold arms around you

as the darkness holds your hand

oh god im drowning 

oh god i’m hurting

so numb and hear the calling

been fighting demons for so long

there’s nothing here but desperation

why does sinking not feel wrong

oh god im drowning 

oh god i’m hurting

do you hear the calling

from sea to darkened sea

does anything really matter

does it matter at all to me


what about the times we’ve had

what about the things we’ve shared

summer nights in our backyard

how in hell we got to here

oh the things that you have seen 

wont you share them all with me

running desert skies in sun

that’s another day to see

Also listen to Thank You and The Road


Wake Up

Wake Up! Haha. Seeing if you were paying attention. Wake Up is about your dreams, hopes, music and listening to them.



Sunset Sky – Wake Up

Life can get stressful. An immediate escape is music and occasionally a dream. Sometimes dreams can have such an effect, when you wake up, you want to return to that world. At times, it is a completely different universe with endless opportunities to explore and many times your mind attempting to make sense — in a surreal environment — of whatever is on your mind. Then there are the dreams that are so lovely that when you wake up the real world and its problems seem… depressing. I guess the point is that music and dreams can represent hope and it’s important to acknowledge. Those worlds also seem to exist in a different dimension and to diminish them as imaginary would be a tragedy.

Wake Up – Lyrics

was it all a dream

where we had everything

or it’s another day

waking up to nothing

can imagine the night  

enveloped in azure lights

a diamond setting sun

and we want for nothing

clouds begin to spread

skies melt overhead

we’re where we need to be

and it’s finally happening

oh god let’s wakeup

oh it’s time to wake up

time to get up

all the dreams are killing me

was it all in my head

thinking our dreams were dead

visions with perspective

not waking up to nothing

oh it’s time to wake up

time to get up

all the dreams are killing me

oh when we wake up

don’t be afraid to reach for

all the dreams that we have seen

oh it’s time to wake up

time to get up

all these dreams are reality

Listen to October and listen to It’s Time + Thank You


Listen to October

Listen to October is the dance song for those who embrace the fall and cooler weather.



Listen to October by Sunset Sky

What to write about this track? I think the plucks underneath the “listen” part is what I woke up to one morning. I had no idea what to do with it for a while. Then it started coming together. Wanted to capture the indifference of changing seasons while still remaining hopeful, even as the days get darker. I hope you enjoy.

Listen to October Lyrics

standing on the precipice

a feeling over time

edges eroding below

this was never mine

the waves are always crashing in

can’t see beyond the tide

let the current pull you in

the answers are inside

ocean swells so mightily

carries me away

another journey without an end

as night turns into day

the other side is calling me

fleeting words to say

ravaged waves of my embrace

as i let it wash away

listen to october

listen to the sea

all i have is a photograph

scattered to the wind

torn to pieces over time

this is where it ends

all i have is a photograph

scattered to the sun

finding pieces of our lives

do they matter to anyone

feeling so insignificant

when looking up above

doesn’t mean nothing matters here

that our lives are meaningless

Also listen to It’s Time and Thank You


It’s Time

It’s Time is another pretty good dance track. You should listen to it. Maybe even dance.



Sunset Sky

Fun, short and danceable. Yay. A little bit of escapism for you. Go. Be free.

It’s Time Lyrics

feels so right to get it all outside

tried too hard to keep in all my life

past the t… to let it all come out

t… to give yourself the room to shout

-it’s time-

never meant to run away and hide

never meant to ignore other sides

now is the t… you’re coming out to play

can’t believe its going to start today

-it’s t…!- 

maybe its a second chance

to let it all go and dance

baby you’ve come so far 

-t… to let them know who you are

this is your second chance

to let it all go and dance

baby you’ve come so far 

-t… to tell them all who you are

Also listen to Dance and Thank You

On a slightly related note – have you ever visited on of those recipe blogs, only to have to sort through a life story’ worth of content before you can find the actual item you’re looking for? Blame it on Toast SEO or, just at SEO practices in general. It literally tells you that your page will not rank well if you don’t include at least 300 words! Which isn’t really true BTW. Not many folks visit the site regardless. (: But seriously, folks want to get right to the point and so do I, dear reader. That’s why I am writing a bunch of garbage at the END of this post. I really do hope you enjoy “It’s Time” but I am not egotistical enough to think you also really want to read a bunch of verbal filler before getting to it.