sunset sky dear jane

Dear Jane: New Dance Pop Track

“Dear Jane” pairs dance beats and catchy melodies with lyrics of self-reflection, asking for understanding in difficult times.

Releases on Spotify March 1.


Dear Jane by Sunset Sky

i’m going to let this one speak for itself (:

Dear Jane Lyrics

have to tell you

so disappointed

in everything

you say

don’t know what happened to you 


why you need 

to be this way 

it seems so sad and lonely 

i hope you find the 


you need

in the meantime maybe 


you’ve caused a lot of pain 

it really not that hard to say

we really should 

find god 

if you are hurting all the time


just let it 

fall apart

i get that some times have these moments

but this scene is going long

think you’ve been in pain for a lifetime

do you feel the sting of 

what you’ve caused?

im really not that sensitve 

only a person with a name

you can call it what you want

we’re going down all the same

call it anything you want

know to you it’s just another game

im really not that sensitve 

only a person with a name

you can call it what you want

we’re going down all the same

you’re on the wrong side of history

but you don’t seem to see the edge

you can call it what you want

quess the means justify the ends 

im really not all that sensitve

only a person with a name

you can call it what you want

but know it hurts us all the same

call it anything you want

know to you it’s just another game

Listen to Time to Go Home and let me be