Sunset Sky Sunrise


Sunrise : Featuring a warm collision of analog synths and four-on-the-floor dance beats, Sunset Sky’s ‘Sunrise’ overflows with earnestness and hope. From the thumping kick drum to the writhing bass to the iconic synths and contemplative vocals, this track straddles a sweet spot between synthpop and indie dance while delivering impact and emotion from start to finish.

Bandcamp link



Sunrise by Sunset Sky

This was fun from start to… almost finish. First there was the hook. Unstoppable and the song was hopeful and fun. Then came the usual production woes. It wasn’t terrible but I’m still debating some decisions, such as another rhythm synth and guitar. I hope you see for yourself. It is about small town dreams, dealing with despair and depression but still finding the sunrise. I loved making this song. I hope you love listening to it.

Sunrise by Sunset Sky on YouTube

The main takeaway is the old, “it’s always darkest before dawn.” I don’t know if it’s true, but if you hang on long enough, maybe there will be an unbelievable sunrise you never imagined. Stay for it.

Sunrise Lyrics

small town dreams are nothing

but all i ever had

looking at the lights below

used to make me awfully sad

so used to having nothing 

this is my reprieve

while the band is warming up now

don’t take it away from me

felt it was indiscretion

while traveling dark highways

buried all those feelings deep (down)

let them die and fade away

if you’re ever wondering

or feeling lost in life

drifting down through unknown water

can be paradise

i’m under no illusion

that this could all be lies

but for the very first time

feeling the warm sun rise

so if you’re ever wandering

or feeling lost in life

sometimes the twists and turns will

bring you to your paradise

SoundCloud Profile

Or listen to Thinking About It and Let It Rain