Tag: electropop
Colors in Gray
Colors in Gray – You ever feel like you’re carrying a hundred different emotions at once? Like you’re standing in the middle of something beautiful and chaotic, and all you can do is try to make sense of it? That’s kind of where we’ve been lately. Colors in Gray came out of one of those…
L1v3 Your Life
L1v3 Your Life – first of all, let me address the stylization. I can’t distribute the song with the word “live” in it. The algorithm believes that is the version of the track, live, acoustic, etc. Now, with that out of the way… BANDCAMP “L1v3 Your Life” – Sunset Sky Welcome to the world of…
Add “Motion” to your summer soundtrack, live in the moment, embrace the e-motion of life. You heard me. Get to it. Releases on Spotify July 19 Bandcamp “Thus marked a decided turn in Sunset Sky’s self-inflicted stylings as a poet of woe. This, instead my friends, is a ray of sunshine forcing shade into the…
Listen to October
…feeling so insignificant when looking up above doesn’t mean nothing matters here that our lives are meaningless…